Highlights of Mass celebrated at Mass Rock, Ballyholland on Sunday 25th August at 3pm. The principal celebrant was Fr. Desmond Loughran. The concelebrants were Fr. Krzysztof Kosciolek and Fr. Robert Markuszewski.
Lectio Divina for newcomers
During this season of Ordinary Time you are invited to meet with the Living Word ‒ Jesus Christ, in the venue of his written word ‒ Scripture. “for where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them” Matthew 18:20 Introducing the practice of Lectio Divina. Reading, Recognising, Responding, Resting-in and Reflecting on …
Commemoration Mass – 80th Anniversary of the invasion of Poland
Commemoration Mass celebrated by Archbishop Eamon Martin At the 12 noon Mass in the Cathedral on Sunday, 1st September, the Polish community will commemorate the 80th Anniversary of the invasion of Poland by Germany on the 1st September 1939 and the subsequent outbreak of World War 11.
Grandparents Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine
Catholic Grandparents Association: Grandparents Pilgrimage, Knock Shrine 2019 The 2018 pilgrimage will take place on Sunday 8th of September at the Shrine of Our Lady of Knock. This annual pilgrimage is a special day for grandparents and families, and a wonderful opportunity to acknowledge the great contribution that grandparents make to Church, to family, and to society in teaching and …
Al-Anon Family Groups
The Al-Anon Family Groups are a fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experience, strength, and hope in order to solve their common problems. We believe alcoholism is a family illness and that changed attitudes can aid recovery. Contact details for more information email alanon@btconect.com or call the National Helpline on 02074030888 website www.al-anonuk.org.uk
Lough Derg 2019
Lough Derg 2019 The Three Day Pilgrimage is to Lough Derg is currently open. You may begin on any day until Tuesday 13th August. Advance booking is not necessary. The Lough Derg team can help you to co-ordinate public transport or link up with Pilgrimage Organisers in your locality. Phone Lorraine on 00 353 71 9861518 email: info@loughderg.org
Divine Mercy Holy Hour – Newry Dominican – 7th July 3pm
Eucharistic Holy Hour in Honour of Jesus, the Divine Mercy and Our Lady in St. Catherine’s Church on Sunday 7th July at 3.00pm. Come spend one hour with the Eucharistic Lord.
Video: Corpus Christi Procession
In 2019 the Corpus Christi Procession began at St. Catherine’s Dominican Church, Dominic Street at 3pm on Sunday 23rd June, continuing along Francis Street, O’Hagan Bridge, Mill Street, Hill Street and ended at Newry Cathedral for Benediction and Blessing. Fr. Desmond Loughran, Administrator of Newry Parish, carried the Monstrance along the route.
Pope awards Benemerenti Medal to Mrs Kathleen McCoy
Congratulations to Mrs Kathleen McCoy who has been awarded the Benemerenti Medal for ‘long and exceptional service to the Catholic Church’ by Pope Francis. Kathleen has been a member of the cathedral choir for 54 years. As a soprano soloist, Kathleen will be a familiar face and voice to those who attend Mass in the cathedral. The award dates back …