Christmas message from the Parish Administrator

Newry CathedralNews

A Very Happy and Holy Christmas to one and all. I can’t believe we are at that time of the year again. Winter is in full season and we are hopefully in full season too, in all ways spiritual and holy as this is a very spiritual and holy time which God has given to us to remember that his Son came among us as one of us. A truly human being.

Sadly, I feel many forget that Jesus was a human being that he walked on the earth too. If we are feeling far from God then we will surely ignore all things spiritual that are so present to keep us close to him. We have daily Masses and weekend Masses. We have the availability of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. We have the constant opportunity to spend a little time with God in prayer every day.

Christmas Day is the day that reminds us that God sent us his Son Jesus to tell us that we are not alone in this big and sometimes bad world. As long as we light the lights of Christmas in our homes and especially in our hearts then we will come to know that we are never alone either on Christmas Day or any other day.

So, on behalf of the Priests of the Parish: Fr. Krzysztof, Fr. Robert and myself, have a truly wonderful Christmas time.

God Bless, Fr. Desmond.

Fr Desmond Loughran, ADM