Updated: Blessing of graves

Newry Cathedral News

Because of the pandemic and subsequent restrictions on movement and gatherings, we will take a different approach to the blessing of the graves this year. Please share this information with others. MonksHill Cemetery Cemetery Sunday for MonksHill Cemetery was broadcast live on the Newry Cathedral webcam at 5.30pm on Sunday 17th May Please note that there will be no 5.30pm …

Letter from Pope Francis

Newry Cathedral News

Dear Brothers and Sisters, The month of May is approaching, a time when the People of God express with particular intensity their love and devotion for the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is traditional in this month to pray the Rosary at home within the family. The restrictions of the pandemic have made us come to appreciate all the more this …

Accord relationship support

Newry Cathedral News

Conscious of those who are experiencing difficulties in their relationships and family lives during the COVID-19 pandemic, Accord has set up a support line where callers can talk to experienced couples and relationship counsellors.

Divine Mercy Sunday

Newry Cathedral News

Pope Francis Pope Francis will celebrate a special Mass at the Church of the Holy Spirit in Sassia, the centre of the devotion to Divine Mercy in Rome. Coverage begins at 9.55am UK time. Watch live: https://youtu.be/MC-wB2gLpzM Armagh Cathedral (Does not include the Celebration of Mass) Archbishop Eamon Martin will lead the service for Divine Mercy Sunday in St. Patrick’s …

Trócaire boxes

Newry Cathedral News

During the current crisis, Trócaire have urged people to make their Lenten contribution online or over the phone and to hold onto their boxes until a later date. Please click here to make a donation online.

Easter Mass Times

Newry Cathedral News

Holy Saturday Vigil The Easter Vigil of the Resurrection of The Lord will take place at 9.00pm in Newry Cathedral and at 9.00pm in St. Catherine’s Church. You can participate symbolically by displaying a lighted candle signifying that Jesus Christ is the Light of The World. Easter Sunday 8.00am from St. Catherine’s Church.9.00am from the Cathedral.9.00am from St Brigid’s – …

Easter message from Archbishop Eamon Martin

Newry Cathedral News

An Easter message from Archbishop Eamon Martin to the people of Dromore Diocese. A very happy Easter to each and every one of you. Support your parish and priests Please click here to make a donation to support our parish and our priests. Easter Sunday Mass Times Holy Saturday Vigil The Easter Vigil of the Resurrection of The Lord will …

Video: Prayer for Pandemic

Newry Cathedral News

Message from Archbishop Eamon Martin with a new General Intercession to be included on #GoodFriday for this time of #pandemic. Archbishop’s Homily for Good Friday

Holy Week 2020

Newry Cathedral News

As you cannot physically join us for the Easter Ceremonies this year why not join via the Internet on the Parish Facebook Page or our YouTube Channel or the Newry Parish Webcam. Missalette for Holy Week Click here to download a Missalette for Holy Week with prayers and readings for each service. During Holy week Saint Catherine’s Church – Monday, …