Instructions for booking baptisms

Newry Cathedral News

All babies must be registered for baptism in the Cathedral Parish Office, Hill Street, Newry, not in St. Catherine’s.  The reason is that the official baptismal register is kept in the Cathedral Parish Office. When a baby is to be baptised, please call at the Cathedral Parish Office. The Church in which the baby is to be baptised will be recorded.   …

Notice: Music for weddings

Newry Cathedral News

Dear Engaged Couple As you prepare for marriage, we the clergy require you to choose hymns/sacred music for your Nuptial Mass. Secular songs are not appropriate in our Churches. Please advise your organist/musician that this is a requirement. It would also enhance the liturgy if the Psalm, Alleluia, Holy, Holy, Holy, Memorial Acclamation, the Great Amen and the Lamb of …

Podcast series offers real life stories on living with addiction

Newry Cathedral News, Uncategorised

Addiction is a frightening aspect of life in Ireland today. The rise in the abuse of drugs and alcohol is well documented and many parents, families and communities have suffered and are struggling to respond. Bishop Michael Router Episode two of the ‘Leave Your Mark’ podcast is now available focusing on the issue of addiction.  The Irish Bishops’ Drugs Initiative …

Arrangements for funerals in Newry Parish

Newry Cathedral News

A message from Canon Francis Brown, Adm. 4 July 2022 As you know there is only Fr. Alphonsus and myself in the parish full time.  Fr. Robert has gone back to Poland.  We are very fortunate to have Fr. Callum on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  I would like to ask your consideration when arranging funerals, as we have other duties in the …

Archbishop’s message: Do it for Daniel Appeal

Newry Cathedral News

Dear Parishioners, I commend to your attention the current appeal for people to consider joining the Bone Marrow Register, in response to the appeal on behalf of young Daniel Greer from Newry. With kindest regards, Archbishop Eamon Martin Do it for Daniel Appeal We, the friends, and family of Daniel Greer have set up a social media appeal to …

Video: Mass Rock

Newry Cathedral News

The Annual Pilgrimage to Mass Rock, Ballyholland took place on Sunday, 26th June 2022. Thank you to all those who braved lashing rain to attend. You can watch a recording of the Mass below.

Does the summer holiday season fill you with dread?

Newry Cathedral News

Does the thought of the upcoming summer holiday season fill you with delight or dread?  Apparently two-thirds of parents dread the holidays as they don’t know how to keep their children occupied. If you are a working parent, then your problems multiply from arranging leave at peak times to finding childcare – it means the thought of the 8-week school summer …

Corpus Christi Procession Photo Gallery

Newry Cathedral News

The Corpus Christi Procession retuned to Newry on Sunday 19th June 2022 after a two year absence due to the pandemic. The procession began at St. Mary’s Church, Chapel Street at 3pm and continued along Chapel Street, Abbey Yard, William Street, John Mitchel Place, Hill Street, ending at the Cathedral with Benediction and blessing by Archbishop Eamon Martin.  Photo credit …

Obligation to attend Sunday and Holy Day Mass

Newry Cathedral News

With the easing of Covid-19 restrictions, it is encouraging to see a return to a fuller liturgical life in our parishes. Thankful that we can once again gather as communities of faith, the Irish Bishops have announced that attending Mass on Sunday and Holydays of Obligation has from Easter Sunday (17th April 2022) once again be deemed an essential expression …

Dromore Diocese Universal Synodal Report published

Newry Cathedral News

The Diocesan Synodal Core Group has completed and submitted their Synthesis Report for the Universal Synod. The people of Dromore Diocese were invited to share their views on a range of topics. The report brings together the key findings of that consultative process against ten key themes. The report (with appendices) was sent to the Irish National Synod Team at …