Important: Are you still eligible for Gift Aid?

Newry Cathedral News

Any parishioners who signed up for Gift Aid and who may now be retired and therefore not paying tax. Could they please inform the Offertory Promise office so that we can update our records. Thank you.

Article: Does our use of language offend God?

Newry Cathedral News

Jesus taught his disciples how to pray, ‘Our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven’, Matthew 6: 9-10. God’s presence in prayer unites us and we all become aware of the needs of others and can provide comfort. In other words Jesus was teaching …

Financial Statements – Year end Dec 31st 2020

Newry Cathedral News

The parish has released financial statements for the year ending 31st December 2020. Click here to download your copy. Printed copies are available from the sacristy of each church from this coming weekend and from the parish office.

Organ Recital

Newry Cathedral News

Date: Friday 20th August 2021 Time: 7.00pm Location: Newry Cathedral One of the most promising upcoming pianists, organists, and composers in Ireland, Orly Watson is Organist of Dromore Cathedral, and Official Accompanist at Queen’s University. A published composer, he is currently undertaking doctoral studies in that field at Queen’s. He studied organ at Armagh’s two cathedrals with Theo Saunders and …

Article: Counting Our Blessings

Newry Cathedral News

On a late night radio show recently on RTÉ, a female singer who was recovering from cancer was quoted as saying, ‘You can’t wait for the pain to end until you decide to be happy.’ This had a profound impact on me and I wrote it down to preserve the thought. The lady in question had had enough of suffering …

Statement: introduction of abortion services to Northern Ireland

Newry Cathedral News

Statement by the Northern Catholic Bishops on the direction of the Secretary of State to introduce abortion services to Northern Ireland The decision last week by the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, Brandon Lewis MP, to direct the NI Executive and Department of Health to make abortion services available in Northern Ireland by 21 March 2022, is gravely disquieting. …

Covid Update: Face Coverings

Newry Cathedral News

Today, 27th July 2021, Archbishop Eamon Martin has communicated with parishes in response to the Northern Ireland Executive’s decision to remove the legal requirement to wearing face-masks in some indoor contexts. Archbishop Martin recalled the Churches’ strong encouragement of the use of face coverings:  “The decision to introduce face coverings in our churches dates back to August 2020 and was …

Article: St. Ignatius of Loyola

Newry Cathedral News

Pope Francis and Bishop Alan McGuckian, Bishop of the Diocese of Raphoe, are both members of the Jesuit order (Society of Jesus). St. Ignatius of Loyola was the founder of the Jesuit order, and his feast day is celebrated annually on the 31st July. Ignatius of Loyola, born Iñigo López de Oñaz y Loyola was born on the 23rd October …

Webcam is working again

Newry Cathedral News

Newry Cathedral webcam is once again in full working order. Thanks for your patience.