In this section:
- Confession times before Christmas
- Mass times for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day
Confession times before Christmas
Newry Cathedral – Sunday 22nd December 4.30pm ‒ 5.20pm (before 5.30pm Mass)
Newry Cathedral – Monday 23rd December after 10.30am Mass until 12 noon
St. Catherine’s Church – Monday 23rd 11.30am to 12.30pm
Newry Cathedral – Christmas Eve after 10.30am Mass until 12 noon
St. Catherine’s Church – Christmas Eve 11.30 – 1.30pm and 2.30 – 4.00pm

Mass times for Christmas
Christmas Eve
8pm Newry Cathedral – Celebrated by Archbishop Eamon Martin
8pm St. Brigid’s and St. Mary’s Churches
Midnight Mass – St. Catherine’s Church (Carols begin at 11.30pm)
Christmas Day
8am St. Catherine’s Church
9am Newry Cathedral
9am St. Brigid’s Church (Polish Mass)
9.30am St. Catherine’s Church
10.30am Mass in St. Mary’s Church
10.30am Mass in St. Brigid’s Church
11am St. Catherine’s Church
12noon Mass in the Cathedral
12.15pm St. Catherine’s Church
Please note:
- Please note: There will be NO 5.30pm Mass in the Cathedral on Christmas Day
- There will be NO 8.30am Mass in the Cathedral after Christmas until Tuesday 7 Jan. Morning Mass continues each weekday at 10.30am