Cathedral Giving Tree

Newry Cathedral News

In conjunction with St Vincent de Paul, the Giving Tree will be displayed in Newry Cathedral from Saturday 4th December until Friday 17th December 2021. Due to Covid-19 restrictions it would be appreciated if donations were made in money or vouchers in the envelopes provided on the tree in the following categories Child aged 0-3 Child aged 4 -12 Teenager …

Events for Advent

Newry Cathedral News

Preparation for Christmas Saturday 18th December – Advent Recital Recital of Advent / Christmas Carols by Miss Aine Cassidy in the Cathedral at 7.15pm. Aine will be accompanied by her brother Eoin Cassidy on the organ. Full details here: Sunday 19th December – Advent Reflections 4th Sunday of Advent ‒ Advent Reflections – Cathedral 7.30pm

Legion of Mary Centenary Mass – 8th Dec 7pm

Newry Cathedral News

On the 7th September 1921 Frank Duff founded the Legion of Mary. This is a lay apostolic organisation at the service of the church, under ecclesiastical guidance. Archbishop Martin will celebrate Mass on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception in St. Mary’s Church on Wednesday 8th December at 7.00pm to mark the centenary of the founding of the Legion of …

A Word of Thanks

Newry Cathedral News

Fr. Robert would like to thank Archbishop Eamon, Canon Brown & Priests of the diocese for their prayers and support that they gave to him and his family on the sad occasion of his father’s death. He would also like to thank the parishioners of Newry & Saval parishes, for their prayers and kindness that they gave to him and …

Feast of Christ the King: Holy Hour

Newry Cathedral News

Feast of Christ the King: A Holy Hour for the Holy Souls will take place this coming Sunday, 21st November (the last Sunday of the liturgical year), for The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe at 3pm in St. Mary’s Church.

Article: God is close to those who are broken hearted

Newry Cathedral News

All 26 dioceses in Ireland were represented last Sunday in the Basilica at Knock, Co Mayo for a Mass of Remembrance for all who died during the Pandemic. The chief celebrant was the Primate of All Ireland, Archbishop Eamon Martin and Mass was concelebrated with assembled Bishops. The steps up to the altar were draped in streams of purple cloth with 26 …

Lectio Divina for people aged 18-35

Newry Cathedral News

Are you aged 18-35? Are you looking for meaning and purpose in life? Are you searching for guidance and direction as you take your next step on life’s journey? If you are, then you are invited to join us at the Youth Forum community as we engage in Lectio Divina, a form of prayer which helps us to see our …

Article: A Time to Die

Newry Cathedral News

Just as I was writing this article for the Newry Reporter, I received word of the sudden death of a friend. The news came out of nowhere and it felt like a shattering clap of thunder. Without warning the life had been taken of a wonderful person, someone with a huge sense of community who had touched so many lives. …

Emergency Trócaire Collection 6th & 7th November

Newry Cathedral News

The Bishops of Ireland have called for a national Church collection on the 6th and 7th of November to support Trócaire in providing life-saving aid to vulnerable communities in East Africa and DRC, where millions of people are being pushed to the edge of starvation. Trócaire teams are already responding on the ground, and are ready to provide more life-saving …

St. Martin Novena at St. Catherine’s

Newry Cathedral News

Because of the continuation of the Covid 19 virus, this year’s St. Martin Novena at Newry Dominican, St. Catherine’s Church, will again only be online.   The Novena with Mass can be seen online each day. Wednesday  3rd  to  Thursday  11th  November Monday to Friday   at  8.15pm Saturday     8.30pm,  Sunday       8.15pm (Preached by the local Dominican Community)