Newry Conference & Banqueting Centre Centre Events

Newry CathedralNews

Newry Conference & Banqueting Centre Centre, The Mall Monday 7th January at 7.30pm Philosophy and Meditation. How to express freedom and fulfilment in 2019. Wednesday 16th January 7.30pm. Special Offer £10 for the 10 week course New Year – New Beginning for 2019 Discover Yourself ‘Philosophy is the love of wisdom’. LECTIO DIVINA Lectio Divina continues every Tuesday & Thursday mornings at …

Lourdes: Application for Sick Pilgrims

Newry CathedralNews

Newry Lourdes Committee welcomes applications from any person who wishes to be considered as a sick pilgrim with the Dromore Diocese from the 21st ‒ 26th May 2019. Anyone who is interested or would like information can contact the parish office for contact details.

Admissions to Nursery & Primary One for September 2019

Newry CathedralNews

Admissions to Nursery & Primary One for September 2019 If your child is starting pre-school or primary school in September 2019, you can apply for their place online at from Wednesday 2nd January 2019. The closing date and time for pre-school and primary one applications will be 12.00 midnight on Thursday 31st January 2019. Please use the EA site …

Christmas Message from Bishop Philip Boyce

Newry CathedralNews

Christmas Message 2018 from Bishop Philip Boyce Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Dromore The Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ provides us with a moment of reflective calm as we stand before the manger, thanking God for the gifts of the year just ending and praying for blessings of peace and good will in the year that lies ahead. …

Cathedral Carol Service – 16th December

Newry CathedralNews

Carol Service: Sunday, 16th December at 7.30pm in the Cathedral You are invited to take part in our annual Christmas Carol Service, by joining in singing the carols on the leaflet provided. The carols cover the account of the ‘Coming of Jesus’ from the Annunciation of his birth to this invitation for all of you to be the ones to …

Mass and Confession times for Christmas

Newry CathedralNews

CHRISTMAS MASSES Newry Cathedral Christmas Eve 9.00pm (Carols 8.30pm), 12 midnight (Polish Mass) Christmas Day: 9.00am & 12 noon PLEASE NOTE: NO 5.30PM MASS IN THE CATHEDRAL ON CHRISTMAS DAY. St. Brigid’s Church Christmas Eve: 9.00pm ( Carols 8.30pm) Christmas Day: 9.30am (Po polsku) & 11.00am (Mass in English) St. Mary’s Church Christmas Eve: 9.00pm (Carols 8.30pm) Christmas Day: 9.00am …

Blessing of Nativity Scenes

Newry CathedralNews

Blessing of Infant Jesus figurines or small cribs The Third Sunday of Advent is also known as Gaudete Sunday and ‘gaudete’ means ‘rejoice’. The priest wears rose coloured vestments on this day in contrast to the violet or purple coloured vestments he wears on all the other days of Advent. We rejoice on this Sunday because we know that the …

Lourdes Youth Pilgrimage

Newry CathedralNews

Lourdes Youth Pilgrimage ‒ (18-25 year olds) Tuesday 25th ‒ Sunday 30th June 2019 £595 per person. Price includes flights, transfers,accommodation in Hotel Saint Louis de France, all meals and insurance. £100 deposit due before Christmas and payments of £100 per month until the end of May. Places are limited. For further information or to book please contact Youth Ministry …

Notice: Anniversary Requests

Newry CathedralNews

All Anniversaries & Month’s Minds Masses should be left in the Parish Office no later than 12 noon on the Thursday of the week before the Anniversary is due to be remembered, this includes Saturday Anniversaries. You can leave anniversaries in as early as you wish, but anniversaries left in after this time are considered late, and therefore there is no …