Arrangements for funerals in Newry Parish

Newry CathedralNews

A message from Canon Francis Brown, Adm.

4 July 2022

As you know there is only Fr. Alphonsus and myself in the parish full time.  Fr. Robert has gone back to Poland.  We are very fortunate to have Fr. Callum on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  I would like to ask your consideration when arranging funerals, as we have other duties in the parish as well as the Requiem Masses.  We are responsible for the Parish of Saval as well.  I wish again to make the following points:-

  • When a parishioner dies, the funeral undertaker should contact the Parochial House to make arrangements.  The undertaker should not say or indicate who will be celebrating the Funeral Mass.  The Parish, in which the parishioner lives, should also be notified if different from the Parish in which funeral Mass is being celebrated, so that his/her death can be registered.
  • The Funeral Liturgy is totally in the hands of the Celebrant and Newry Parish Funeral Ministry Team i.e. readings, music, offertory procession etc.  Hymns only are acceptable, not secular songs.  The Alleluia, Psalm, Holy, Holy, Holy, the Mystery of Faith, the Great Amen and the Lamb of God should be sung by the musician.  When choosing an organist, guitarist or singer please stipulate this requirement to them. 
  • If there are gifts, other than bread and wine, these should be brought up at the beginning.
  • Eulogies are to be discouraged.  A short post-communion reflection is acceptable.
  • The funeral should arrive at the Church on time – neither too early nor late.
  • No collection boxes are permitted at the Church.
  • Flowers should be taken off the coffin before it enters the Church.  The pall must be placed over the coffin.  The Diocesan policy is that flags must be taken off the coffin before it enters the Church.
  • Sunday funerals are no longer possible in Newry Parish.
  • It would be to our advantage if parishioners would choose the 10.30am Mass in the Cathedral as their Funeral Mass.  Please encourage this.
  • At the end of the Mass the procession should leave the Church once one verse of the final hymn has been sung.

I wish to thank you most sincerely for your co-operation 

Yours sincerely

Very Rev. Canon Francis Brown
