1st October 2020

Media Press Announcement of Dromore Diocesan Appointments
The Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Dromore, Archbishop Eamon Martin, today announces that in the coming months a new Diocesan Pastoral Council will be formed, built upon five Pastoral Areas of the Diocese.
A meeting of clergy and representatives of the Parish Pastoral Councils of the Diocese of Dromore took place in Banbridge in February at which the Report from the Dromore Diocesan Strategic Working Group was discussed. The Working Group, made up of lay people, religious and clergy of the Diocese completed its review of pastoral life and presented its findings and recommendations to Archbishop Eamon. The Archbishop has accepted these together with a vision statement for the Diocese of Dromore:
“We will have vital and vibrant parish communities that are sustainable for future generations”.
As a first step in seeking to move towards the vision, Archbishop Eamon is re-launching and re-naming five Pastoral Areas within the Diocese to assist planning, communication and common endeavour across the Diocese. In the coming months he will begin the process of establishing a Dromore Diocesan Pastoral Council, to take forward the recommendations of the Strategic Working Group. The five Pastoral Areas of the Diocese will be as follows:
St Brigid’s Pastoral Area
Parishes of Newry and Saval; Parish of Donaghmore
St Colman’s Pastoral Area
Parish of Magheradroll (Ballynahinch); Parishes of Drumgooland and Dromara; Parish of Dromore
St Bronagh’s Pastoral Area
A: Parishes of St Peter’s Clonallon (Warrenpoint) and St Mary’s Clonallon (Burren); Parish of Kilbroney (Rostrevor).
B: Parishes of Clonduff (Hilltown) and Drumgath (Rathfriland); Parish of St Patrick’s Clonallon (Mayobridge).
St Patrick’s Pastoral Area
Parishes of Seapatrick (Banbridge) and Annaclone; Parish of Tullylish; Parish of Aghaderg.
St Ronan’s Pastoral Area
Parishes of Shankill (St Peter’s Lurgan) and Shankill (St Paul’s Lurgan); Parishes of Moyraverty (Craigavon) and Seagoe (Derrymacash); Parish of Magheralin.
Each Pastoral Area will have an appointed Vicar Forane and will also be represented on the Diocesan Pastoral Council by a number of lay people who are able to bring to the Council their gifts, skills and vision for the future.
“I hope that the Pastoral Area discussions and work will provide a forum to bring together and add value to the work of the individual Parish Pastoral Councils across the Diocese. With their help, our new Diocesan Pastoral Council will be able to promote new evangelisation, pastoral renewal and increased involvement of lay women and men in the life of the Church” I trust that the Pastoral Area structure will also facilitate faith development, improved communication, pastoral formation and training, enhanced liturgical planning and a common sense of endeavour across the Diocese of Dromore.
I trust that the Pastoral Area structure will also facilitate faith development, improved communication, pastoral formation and training, enhanced liturgical planning and a common sense of endeavour across the Diocese of Dromore”.
Archbishop Eamon
Archbishop Eamon also announces the following clergy appointments, effective 17 October 2020. He thanks the priests and deacons of the Diocese for their continued ministry and service, and wishes well those who are taking up these new appointments. He also thanks the people of the Diocese for their ongoing prayers and support for their clergy. He encourages them to welcome their new pastors in the coming weeks.
Very Rev Canon Frank Kearney PP Annaclone to retire.
Very Rev Canon John Kearney Adm. Clonallon (St Peter’s Warrenpoint) and PP Kilbroney (Rostrevor) to retire.
Vicars Forane of the new Pastoral Areas
Very Rev Canon Francis Brown to be Vicar Forane of St Brigid’s Pastoral Area (Parishes of Newry and Saval; Parish of Donaghmore);
Very Rev Brian Brown to be Vicar Forane of St Colman’s Pastoral Area (Parish of Magheradroll (Ballynahinch); Parishes of Drumgooland and Dromara; Parish of Dromore)
Very Rev Charles Byrne to be Vicar Forane of St Bronagh’s Pastoral Area
St Bronagh’s A: Parishes of St Peter’s Clonallon (Warrenpoint) and St Mary’s Clonallon (Burren); Parish of Kilbroney (Rostrevor).
St Bronagh’s B: Parishes of Clonduff (Hilltown) and Drumgath (Rathfriland); Parish of St Patrick’s Clonallon (Mayobridge).
Very Rev Canon Gerald Powell to be Vicar Forane of St Patrick’s Pastoral Area (Parishes of Seapatrick (Banbridge) and Annaclone; Parish of Tullylish; Parish of Aghaderg.)
Very Rev Canon Liam Stevenson to be Vicar Forane of St Ronan’s Pastoral Area (Parishes of Shankill (St Peter’s Lurgan) and Shankill (St Paul’s Lurgan); Parishes of Moyraverty (Craigavon) and Seagoe (Derrymacash); Parish of Magheralin.)

Very Rev Canon Francis Brown, Administrator Newry to also be Administrator Saval.
Very Rev Desmond Loughran Newry Parish to be PP Clonallon (St Patrick’s Mayobridge) and Assistant Priest in the wider St Bronagh’s B Pastoral Area.
Very Rev Brian Fitzpatrick CC Shankill (St Peter’s and St Paul’s Lurgan) to be PP of Moyraverty (Craigavon) and PP Seagoe (Derrymacash).
Very Rev Brendan Kearns PP Kilbroney (Rostrevor) to be PP Clonallon (St Peter’s Warrenpoint) and PP Clonallon (St Mary’s Burren).
Rev. Feidhlimidh Magennis, Administrator Dromore to be PP Dromore.
Very Rev Michael Maginn outgoing chaplain Craigavon Area Hospital to be Assistant Priest in St. Ronan’s Pastoral Area.
Very Rev Andrew McMahon PP Seapatrick (Banbridge) also to be PP Annaclone.
Very Rev Desmond Mooney PP Clonallon (St Patrick’s Mayobridge) and PP Clonallon (St Mary’s Burren) to be Parish Priest Kilbroney (Rostrevor).
Rev Krzysztof Kosciolek CC Newry to be CC Clonallon (St Peter’s Warrenpoint) and CC Clonallon (St Mary’s Burren), continuing his mission to the Polish Community.
Rev Alphonsus Chukwunenye, MSP, to be CC Newry and CC Saval.
Rev Michael Rooney, Permanent Deacon Seapatrick (Banbridge) also to be Permanent Deacon Annaclone.
Rev Callum Young, transitional deacon, to serve part-time in the Parishes of Newry and Saval.
Rev Juan Jesus Gonzales Borrallo, transitional deacon, to serve in the Parishes of Moyraverty (Craigavon) and Seagoe (Derrymacash).
Please pray for all those who are moving this October, for their intentions and for the intentions of all in the Diocese of Dromore.
Loving Lord, as we live through this era of change in the life of our Church, we ask you to grace us with the passion and openness necessary to meet the challenges and opportunities which lie before us. Unite us in the one mission to bring new life to the Diocese of Dromore. Help us to accept that the future shape of the Church in Dromore is in our hands, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. May we accept the invitation which is ours through Baptism and play our part in building the Church of tomorrow. We ask the Holy Spirit of God to enlighten, guide and direct us as we plan and work together to awaken the joy of the Gospel in all Parishes. We ask this though Christ, our Lord. Amen.