Saint Therese of Lisieux
Visit of relics of St. Thérése of Lisieux with the relics of her parents Sts. Louis & Zélie Martin.
The Relics will arrive at the Cathedral on: Saturday 11th August 11.00am.
Mass times:
Please Note: There will be NO 10.30am Mass on Saturday morning.
A Service of Welcome will be held upon arrival of the relics. This is not a Mass and no Holy Communion will be distributed.
The Saturday Evening Vigil Mass will be at 6.00pm as usual.
There will be an additional Mass on Saturday Evening at 11.00pm.
Immediately after the 8.30am Mass on Sunday morning, there will be a prayer of departure for the relics. This will include a blessing with the Relics for those present. This will be a short ceremony as the Relics are scheduled to leave the Cathedral at 9.30am sharp.
Cathedral opening hours:
The Cathedral will remain open all day Saturday until 12.30am Sunday morning. Pilgrims are welcome to venerate the Relics during these times.
Please note the following arrangements:
- The General Public will enter Newry Cathedral via the main door, Hill Street.
- There will be no vehicular access to this area.
- There will be access for sick / disabled visitors (incl. Wheelchairs) through the Cathedral back gates, Lower Water Street. Limited parking will be available for disabled in this area.
- No vehicles will be permitted in the grounds of the Cathedral. Stewards will advise on local parking.
- An atmosphere of prayerful silence will be encouraged within the Cathedral. Photography is not permitted.
- Queuing may be necessary. Please co-operate with the stewards at all times.
N.B. The Relics will leave Newry Cathedral at 9.30am sharp on Sunday morning.
“We can never have too much confidence in the good God. He is so mighty, so merciful.” – St. Thérèse