Relic of St. Teresa of Calcutta Homecoming Mass

Newry CathedralNews

The Relic of St. Teresa of Calcutta (Mother Teresa) will return from its tour of the cathedrals of Ireland to its new, permanent home in Newry Cathedral on Friday 11th August with the celebration of Mass at 7.30pm. The tour is organised by The Knights of St. Columbanus and the Associate Knights.

The Relic will arrive in procession at 7.20pm for 7.30pm Mass in the Cathedral. During the liturgical service, there will be a presentation as the Relic of St. Teresa of Calcutta is placed in a new, bespoke reliquary and installed in its new home at the Altar. The whole ceremony, including the installation service, will be live streamed on the Newry Cathedral Parish website. There will be no opportunity for individual veneration of the Relic; however after the liturgy has ended you are welcome to venerate the Relic as she rests in her new case in Newry Cathedral Parish. This national veneration has been organised by the Order of the Knights of St. Columbanus with the support of the Missionaries of Charity.

Enhanced webcam broadcast

During the Mass, people watching on the webcam will be able to see a second live camera by clicking on the ‘outside broadcasts’ tab at the top of the webcam screen. This new feature will allow viewers to watch the installation of the relic in a location that is not normally visible on the webcam. Please tell family and friends.