Event: Irish Synodal Pathway

Newry CathedralNews

Join us on the Irish Synodal Pathway! To prepare for the 2026 National Synodal Assembly for Ireland, the Diocese of Dromore invites you to attend one of two consultation evenings to reflect on the Universal Synod themes and set priorities for action. Newry Parish Centre ‒ 2nd April 2025 at 7pm or Lurgan Parish centre ‒ 9th April 2025 at …

Carlo Acutis Walk – Sunday 13th April

Newry CathedralNews

Carlo Acutis Event – ‘Walk with Carlo’Sunday 13th April – 2pm to 5 pmDromantine Retreat and Conference Centre We invite the youth of Dromore Diocese 13 years to 20 plus to join us to celebrate the life of Carlo Acutis, a young man of our time a role model for youth. Carlo loved life, his faith, his sport and his …

Masses for St. Patrick’s Day

Newry CathedralNews

Monday 17th March Cathedral: 8.15am, 10.30am (In Irish) St. Mary’s: 10.30am St. Joseph’s Sheeptown: 10.30am St. Brigid’s: 10.30am (Please note that St Catherine’s Band will not now perform at this Mass as previously advertised.) St. Catherine’s: 8.00am, 9.30am, 11.00am & 12.30pm Mass in Irish Beidh Aifreann Gaeilge ceiliúrtha san Ard-Eaglais ar leath i ndiaidh a deich ar Lá Féile Pádraig. …

Lecture: St Patrick – The Man, the Myths and the Legends

Newry CathedralNews

DROMORE DIOCESAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY Monday 10th March 2025: @7:30pm in Newry Parish Centre As every March, the Society marks St Patrick’s Day with a lecture on some aspect of the national Saint. This year, Dr Thérèse Cullen, whose doctoral research focused primarily on how people publicly ritualised and memorialised St Patrick, and who is an authority on St Patrick and …

Day of Prayer for Survivors of Abuse

Newry CathedralNews

The Irish Bishops have designated the first Friday of Lent each year as a special day of prayer for victims and survivors of abuse in the Church. This year that day will happen next Friday 7th March. All Churches across Ireland are invited to offer prayer on that day for all those who have been impacted by the terrible sins …

Ash Wednesday

Newry CathedralNews

Mass times for Ash Wednesday are as follows: 8.15am and 10.30am Newry Cathedral 7.00pm St. Brigid’s Church (Polish)7.30pm St. Joseph’s, Sheeptown Please note that the additional morning Mass for Ash Wednesday, and continuing every Monday to Friday during Lent, will be at 8:15am and not 8:00am as stated in the bulletin. St. Colman’s College Choir will sing at the 10.30am …

Victims and survivors of historical child abuse in faith settings encouraged to share their experiences

Newry CathedralNews

The Diocese of Dromore encourages victims/survivors of clerical abuse to participate in the NI Assembly Executive Office’s research project on historical child abuse in faith settings. Full details, including contact information, can be found in the two press releases below. Executive Office Press release: Victims and survivors of historical child abuse in faith settings encouraged to share their experiences. Date …

Purgatorian Society

Newry CathedralNews

The Society has been meeting in Newry Parish for the past 100 years. The Society prays for our deceased relative and friends. They meet in St. Mary’s Church after the 7.30pm Mass on the First Tuesday of every month. It is a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead. Please consider joining the Purgatorian Society on the First …

Dromore Diocesan Annual Pilgrimage to Lourdes

Newry CathedralNews

Anyone wishing to travel with The Dromore Pilgrimage from the 9th to 14th June please contact Sean Gorman on 028 302 63739 for a booking form. Price £850 all-inclusive including transfers from both airports. Anyone wishing to put their name forward for consideration to travel to Lourdes as an assisted pilgrim please contact:Phil Downey 0783264298, Deirdre Quinn 07511692550 or Sean …

Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Newry CathedralNews

The Conference wishes to thank all our fellow parishioners for their most generous response to the Annual Christmas Appeal which this year raised £70,248. This strong performance was helped by the generosity of several local businesses which donated large cheques. This augmented the Church Gate Collection which is now approximately 20% of the total monies received. From November through to …