During the current crisis, Trócaire have urged people to make their Lenten contribution online or over the phone and to hold onto their boxes until a later date. Please click here to make a donation online.
Easter Mass Times
Holy Saturday Vigil The Easter Vigil of the Resurrection of The Lord will take place at 9.00pm in Newry Cathedral and at 9.00pm in St. Catherine’s Church. You can participate symbolically by displaying a lighted candle signifying that Jesus Christ is the Light of The World. Easter Sunday 8.00am from St. Catherine’s Church.9.00am from the Cathedral.9.00am from St Brigid’s – …
Easter message from Archbishop Eamon Martin
An Easter message from Archbishop Eamon Martin to the people of Dromore Diocese. A very happy Easter to each and every one of you. Support your parish and priests Please click here to make a donation to support our parish and our priests. Easter Sunday Mass Times Holy Saturday Vigil The Easter Vigil of the Resurrection of The Lord will …
Video: Prayer for Pandemic
Message from Archbishop Eamon Martin with a new General Intercession to be included on #GoodFriday for this time of #pandemic. Archbishop’s Homily for Good Friday
Holy Week 2020
As you cannot physically join us for the Easter Ceremonies this year why not join via the Internet on the Parish Facebook Page or our YouTube Channel or the Newry Parish Webcam. Missalette for Holy Week Click here to download a Missalette for Holy Week with prayers and readings for each service. During Holy week Saint Catherine’s Church – Monday, …
Cemetery closure
Please note that all of our cemeteries are closed by order of section 4 of the NI Executive Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020, issued under the Public Health Act. Please do not enter the cemeteries at any time! This is very difficult for us all, but we ask you to please be patient and to take comfort …
Video: St. Brigid’s Fresco
Above the tabernacle in the Sanctuary of Saint Brigid’s Church, Newry is the tremendous wall fresco of The Last Supper by the internationally-known Irish artist, Father Aengus Buckley, O.P. This is reputed to be the first fresco to be painted in Northern Ireland. This video offers an explanation of the fresco written by the artist himself for the souvenir booklet …
Cross community prayer on Palm Sunday
Our Church leaders have said… “As Christians, we believe that prayer sustains our life as followers of Christ. In the midst of this global pandemic, we turn to Jesus in our time of need. As Church leaders, we join together in calling all our people to prayer” Please join us, and other denominations and Christian organisations, as we pray together …
Online prayer resources
Armagh Parish have created an online prayer resource on their website for you to unite together in prayer at home. Resources include Stations of The Cross. Praying the Rosary. Act of spiritual Communion. Prayer for protection from coronavirus. Prayer to St. Michael. Chaplet of Divine Mercy. …and more. Click here to visit them on the Armagh Parish website.
We need your help
We want to broadcast the Stations Of The Cross, and other Holy Week ceremonies, to as many people as possible. Up until now, we have been broadcasting live on Facebook. We realise that not everyone is on Facebook, so we want to broadcast live using YouTube. The problem We need to have 1000 subscribers on YouTube to do this. How …