Due to the coronavirus crisis, we were unable to hold our solemn Eucharistic procession through the streets of our city this year. Instead there was Eucharistic Adoration live on the webcam in each of the three parish churches, followed by solemn benediction live from Newry Cathedral at 9pm. Eucharistic Adoration (Webcam only) Saint Brigid’s Church: 10.00am until 12 noonSaint Mary’s …
Memorial of St. Anthony of Padua – Saturday 13th June
Night prayer will be broadcast live on Facebook and webcam from Newry Cathedral at 9pm. A lighted candle will be placed in the cathedral to mark this memorial.
Feast of St. Colman – June 8th
Monday is the Feast of St. Colman of Dromore, founder of our diocese and co-patron of our cathedral. The 7.30pm evening Mass will be broadcast live from Newry cathedral instead of St. Brigid’s. Please spread the word.
Trocaire Boxes
Every year Trócaire asks for your help during Lent to fund lifesaving programmes around the world. This year, of course, it was not possible to return Trócaire boxes through schools or parishes in the usual way. This is the worst possible timing coming just as the world’s poorest people need us most. Therefore, Trócaire are appealing to you to return …
Updated: Mass times
TUESDAY – THURSDAY 10.30am St Brigid’s MONDAY 7.30pm St Brigid’s FRIDAY 7.30pm St Mary’s SATURDAY 10.30am St Brigid’s 6.00pm Newry Cathedral 7.30pm St Brigid’s SUNDAY 9am Newry Cathedral 9am St Mary’s (in Latin) 9am St Brigid’s (in Polish) 10.30am St Mary’s 12 noon St Brigid’s 5.30pm Newry Cathedral PLEASE NOTE: The Cathedral is now open Monday to Saturday from 8.30am to 5.00pm and Sunday from 10.00am to 5.00pm for private prayer only. There will be no Friday morning Mass at 10.30am.All Masses can be viewed online by via webcam.
Video: A Special Performance
Salve rociera, performed during the nightly Newry Cathedral Parish Facebook Live broadcast by seminarians Juan Jesus Gonzalez and Callum Young to mark the last day of May 2020. Salve rociera or Salve a la Virgen del Rocío or Salve del olé is a famous Andalusian Catholic prayer song. The lyrics are written by Rafael de León (es) and the music …
Pentecost Message from Archbishop Eamon
Archbishop Eamon Martin offers a Pentecost message to Priests, Religious and Faithful during the Covid-19 Pandemic. He explains and lays out the hopes and plans for a return to liturgical gathering in the near future.
10.30am Webcam Mass
Please note that, in order to allow people to have uninterrupted access to the cathedral for private prayer, the weekday morning Mass (10.30am) has been moved to Saint Brigid’s Church (The Meadow Chapel). You can watch the Mass on the St. Brigid’s webcam. Click here to view.
Important: Cathedral Reopening
Updated 4th May 2020: Please note: The Cathedral is now open Monday to Saturday from 8.30am to 5.00pm and Sunday from 10.00am to 5.00pm for private prayer only. 12 noon Mass on Sunday will take place in St Brigid’s Church live via webcam. Friday Mass will take place at 7.30pm in St Mary’s Church live via webcam. There will be …
Statement on NI Executive Pathway to Recovery
The NI Executive has outlined a five-stage recovery plan for the phased easing of restrictions that had been placed upon movement and public gatherings in response to Covid-19. This phased recovery plan is to be cautiously welcomed by all as a sign of hope and progression in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. We are able to take such steps …