Deepening Faith
Newry parish runs a series of projects to enable adults to explore their faith and deepen their understanding.

Alpha is the Internationally renowned course adopted by the “Divine Renovation” method of parish renewal. All course materials are available online and the format is video with discussion in weekly 90 minute sessions. The parish runs at least 2 sessions a year.
Lectio Divina

Lectio Divina is a traditional monastic practice of scriptural reading, meditation and prayer intended to promote communion with God and to increase the knowledge of God’s word. It does not treat scripture as texts to be studied, but as the living word. It is recommended by the Church to the general public and its importance was affirmed by Pope Benedict XVI at the start of the 21st century. Sessions are run weekly, and last about 60 minutes.
Grace and Growth through Scripture

These sessions are run weekly, consisting of video, prayer and discussion, focussing on the Biblical themes, and last about 60 to 90 minutes. We have covered topics including Advent, Lent, Suffering and Wisdom each week.
Spiritual Direction

Spiritual direction is available on application. These are one to one sessions with a trained councillor. A Spiritual Director is someone you can talk with confidentially about your prayer and spiritual life. Each of us may feel from time to time that. We are at a crossroads in our lives, or our prayer has dried up or that we are experiencing difficulties in our prayer.Should we need a spiritual companion to walk a part of the journey of our life as it is at the moment or that we are in need of guidance in discerning the call of God in our lives, or we have questions about our faith, are troubled with doubts and uncertainties.
Private Reading (Book Club)

Private reading is encouraged by our parish book club, which reads a book each month. Books are chosen at random from the recommendations of the members. Sessions last about 90 minutes and take place on the first Monday of the month. New avenues in your spiritual life are opened. In previous months we have read: “Mere Christianity” by C.S. Lewis, “Dare to Dream” by Pope Francis, “Columbanus – In his own words” by Tomás Ó Fíaích.
Learn more or sign up
To receive further information about any of the programs, please email Fred Hollowood at
There is a bewildering selection of religious opinion and instruction on the web. We have listed some popular and useful English sources for your guidance, in two categories; global appeal and local interest.