New Parish Directory

Newry Cathedral News

Today, Pentecost, we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit, the birth of the Church, and the sending forth of the disciples to continue Christ’s mission in the world. We are all called to recognise the gifts of the Holy Spirit in our lives, to nurture them and use them to play our part in the Church’s mission today. Now is a good time to ask ‘how do I use the gifts God has given me?’ Please take some time this week to visit and browse our new Parish Directory listing the ministries and groups at work in our parish and pray about how or where you can get involved. There are some ministries that take place at Mass and there are others that take place behind the scenes. Help with cleaning and maintaining our Churches, reading, youth and adult faith development, the bereavement ministry, counting the weekly collection, singing or playing instruments, arranging flowers, gardening and so many other areas. Members of our parish ministries will speak at Masses next weekend to share more information and will be available after the Mass to speak with anyone interested in learning more.