Monday 17th March
Cathedral: 10.30am
St. Mary’s: 10.30am
St. Joseph’s Sheeptown: 10.30am
St. Brigid’s: 10.30am – St. Catherine’s Band will be present.
St. Catherine’s: 8.00am, 9.30am, 11.00am & 12.30pm
Mass in Irish
Beidh Aifreann Gaeilge ceiliúrtha san Ard-Eaglais ar leath i ndiaidh a deich ar Lá Féile Pádraig. The 10.30am Mass in the Cathedral for St. Patrick’s Day will be celebrated in Irish.
St. Patrick’s Day Irish Language Collection
The Annual Collection for the Irish Language will be taken up at all St. Patrick’s Day Masses in Newry Parish.