Do you need more stillness and prayer in your life? Join us for an hour on Wednesday 3rd February from 7.30pm.
Online Event: Becoming stillness
On Wednesday 3rd February we have the opportunity to listen to Fr. Richard Rohr speak about Stillness and Contemplation.
Father Richard is a Franciscan Monk and he has been described as “one of the most popular spirituality authors and speakers in the world”.
Do you need more stillness and prayer in your life? Join us for an hour on Wednesday 3rd February from 7.30pm.
For more information, please email

Grace & Growth through the Scripture
Lectio Divina

Develop your faith: Lectio Divina, (Sacred Reading) is a flexible and easy way to pray, dating back to the early monastic tradition. Bibles were scarce, and not everyone knew how to read, so the monks gathered in chapel to hear a member of the community reading from scripture. In this exercise they were taught and encouraged to listen with their hearts because it was the Word of God that they were hearing.
You are welcome to join Lectio Divina via zoom. To receive an invitation to join, please email Fred. His email address is
7 Deadly Sins, 7 lively Virtues – Video & Discussion: Wed 27th January at 7.30pm
“All of us can attain to Christian Virtue and Holiness, no matter in what condition of life we live, and no matter what our life work may be”
St Francis De Sales
Bishop Robert Barron is an Amazon bestselling author with many published books, videos, essays and articles on theology and the spiritual life.
You are invited to join us for this online Grace & Growth session where we will listen to Bishop Barron speaking about the Seven Deadly Sins and Seven lively Virtues, followed by a discussion.
Email Fred for free access at