Updated 4th May 2020:
Please note: The Cathedral is now open Monday to Saturday from 8.30am to 5.00pm and Sunday from 10.00am to 5.00pm for private prayer only. 12 noon Mass on Sunday will take place in St Brigid’s Church live via webcam. Friday Mass will take place at 7.30pm in St Mary’s Church live via webcam. There will be no Friday morning Mass at 10.30am.

Please do not come to church if you have…
- Been identified as a person at high risk (clinically extremely vulnerable) or if you believe yourself to be vulnerable.
- Had confirmed or suspected Covid-19 with symptoms within the last 20 days.
- Been in contact with someone with confirmed or suspected Covid-19 during the last 20 days.
- A high temperature.
- A new, continuous cough.
- Loss or change to your sense of smell or taste.
Safety measures in the church
Coronavirus continues to be a real and present danger. Please observe the following guidelines for your safety and that of others.
- A one-way system is now in place.
- Use hand sanitiser provided or please bring and use your own.
- Consider wearing a mask and/or gloves.
- Observe social distancing of at least 2 meters (six feet) at all times.
- Please touch as few surface as is possible.
- Enter through the main door on Hill Street via the left door continue along the left (tower side) aisle until you find the pews that are not sealed off.
- The centre aisle is closed. Please do not attempt to enter the centre aisle or use the seating off the main aisle.
- When you are ready to leave, continue around in front of the altar to the garden-side aisle and exit through the garden side door.
- Strictly only Disabled access via the tower entrance.
- Do not stay any longer than is necessary.
- Please do not engage in conversation with others whilst in the church.
By observing these guidelines we can protect ourselves and others by limiting the spread of the virus that causes Covid-19.
Votive candles
Votive candles are available within the cathedral for a donation. Please bring a lighter or matches to safely light your candles, as we have had to remove the supplied lighters because of the risk of spreading infection.